The information and program qualifications related to the Physics Engineering Master of Science Program, under the Department of Physics Engineering of the Graduate School, are summarized below.
Information About The Program
Physics Chairs, which were initially included in Basics Sciences Faculty, have been reorganized, in 1982, as the Department of Physics under the Faculty of Science and Letters. Afterwards, the limited number of faculty members when the first students of were graduated has increased considerably and our department has been continuously improving both the level of undergraduate and graduate programs as well as research opportunities and laboratories by the participation of extended number of faculty members to higher levels and has reached to its internationally recognized level today.
Physics Engineering program focuses on unifying the the theoretical and experimental knowledge of physics with the formation of engineering and technics of computer programming. In our department, in collaborations with national and international researchers and institutes, theoretical, experimental, and computational researches in the following fields have been carried out; condensed matter physics, nuclear physics, particle physics, atomic and molecular physics, mathematical physics, gravitation, cosmology, astrophysics, and statistical physics.
Click here for the program's website.
Registration Requirements
Application Term : Previous Term / 2024-2025 Spring Semester
Application Requirements (For T.C Nationality) ALES Numerical must be minimum 75 (old system GRE Quantitative minimum 700, new system GRE minimum 155 ). Undergraduate GPA must be minimum 2.5/4 (65/100). Graduation must be All Engineering, Astronomy and Space Sciences, Biotechnology, Physical, Physics Education.
Quota (For T.C Nationality): 20
Application Requirements (For International Students) ALES Numerical must be minimum 75 (old system GRE Quantitative minimum 700, new system GRE minimum 155 ). Undergraduate GPA must be minimum 2.5/4 (65/100). Graduation must be All Engineering, Astronomy and Space Sciences, Biotechnology, Physical, Physics Education.
Quota (For International Students): 6
Transfer Quota : 1
Application Page Graduate Education and Training Regulation Senate Principles
Application requirements, application dates, and quotas are updated in real-time from the Application System.
English Proficiency
Regulations and Guidelines
Academic Calendar
Course Plans
Course Schedules
Course Adjustment and Exemption Procedures
Program Educational Objectives
Engineering Physics is a branch of engineering which do research and provides training to solve engineering problems arising from daily life by using concepts and methods of theoretical and experimental physics. It is aimed to educate the students at MSc level in theoretical and experimental physics, to provide them with an advanced knowledge and experience on materials science and engineering and to give the ability of applying this knowledge and experience in research centers and academic environments. The graduates are expected to have the ability of solving the instrumental problems which they meet during their research as well as making innovations for their research and transferring this knowledge and experience to their own students.
Measurement and Evaluation
Evaluating Student Success
The student success is evaluated considering Articles 56, 57, 58, and 59 of the Istanbul Technical University Graduate Education and Training Regulation Senate Principles.
ARTICLE 56 - Before the enrollment for the courses begins, the faculty member who offers the course informs the Program Executive Committee about the types, number and contribution percentage to the final grade of the studies within the semester, as well as requirements for a right to take the semester final exam. These requirements shall be finalized by approval of the Program Executive Committee and approval of the chair of the department, who declares them to the student and informs the Graduate School.
ARTICLE 57 - A student may appeal the final grade of a course within one week following the announcement of the grades. Appeals must be submitted to the Graduate School in writing. The relevant faculty member shall re-evaluate the student's success status and submit the result to the Graduate School within one week. Appeals not submitted within the prescribed time frame shall not be considered by the Graduate School.
ARTICLE 58 - Courses in graduate programs shall be evaluated according to the following grading system.
Grade Description |
Grade |
Scale |
Excellent |
AA |
4.00 |
Very good plus |
BA+ |
3.75 |
Very good |
BA |
3.50 |
Good plus |
BB+ |
3.25 |
Good |
BB |
3.00 |
Conditional Pass |
CB+ |
2.75 |
Conditional Pass |
CB |
2.50 |
Conditional Pass |
CC+ |
2.25 |
Conditional Pass |
CC |
2.00 |
Fail |
FF |
0.00 |
Fail(No Exam) |
VF |
0.00 |
ARTICLE 59 - Students who wish to improve their cumulative grade point average may retake courses during the course-taking period. The most recent grade will be counted for the repeated courses.
There is no internship in this program.
Graduation Requirements
Graduate conditions of MSc program is the same with ITU senate principles:
Results of the Master’s Thesis
Article 53- Prior to completion of Master’s thesis, one should pay attension to the subjects below:
a) A thesis master’s program student writes his/her thesis in accordance with the format required by the senate, and orally defends it before a thesis jury.
b) The members of the jury convene to administer a thesis examination for the respective student within one month from the date of thesis submission. If thesis examination cannot be completed within one month, then with substitute jury members, a thesis examination is administered within two weeks.
c) The thesis examination is made up of the thesis presentation followed by a question and answer session between 60-120 mins. The thesis examination is conducted in a public environment open to an audience including faculty, graduate students, and field experts. In deciding period, all audience should go outside.
d) In the event the student is asked to make revisions to the thesis, the student must complete the requested revisions, and defend the revised thesis again before the same jury within three months from the date of thesis examination. In case of a valid excuse approved by institute, time can extended for two more months. A new thesis examination is held by the same jury members. If thesis is rejected by jury or student did not submit his/her thesis after revisions, thesis advisor and thesis subject are subjected to change by receiving opinion from department and institute. Besides, student must enroll 24 ECTS courses second time and total GPA must not be lower 3.00.
e) In thesis defense, jury members and student must follow ‘Ethical guidelines for interviews and oral examinations”.
f) Graduate programs may change their application and admission requirements are determined by the ITU Senate, and are announced at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.
g) Students whose theses are rejected may be awarded with a non-thesis master’s degree diploma provided that they submit a request form signed by student and thesis advisor to their graduate school at third semester earliest.
The Awarded Degree and Title
Degree : Master of Science Title : -
Program Employment Opportunities
R&D (Research and Development) laboratories in industrial enterprise, software, machine learning, big data science, design and production of materials for computer and electronic devices, calibration and production of specific measurement instruments, quality control units, radiology and nuclear medicine departments of hospitals (medical physics), physics of medical physics, communications sector, lines of business in optics, lines of business in energy, universities, research institutes.
Number of Graduates
Graduate Statistics
Year | Number of Graduates |
2013 | 10 |
2014 | 10 |
2015 | 24 |
2016 | 10 |
2017 | 19 |
2018 | 8 |
2019 | 8 |
2020 | 4 |
2021 | 10 |
2022 | 18 |
2023 | 5 |
2024 | 9 |
Program Outcomes
P.O.1 Developing and intensifying knowledge in the related program’s area, based upon the competency in the undergraduate level.
P.O.2 Grasping the inter-disciplinary interaction related to one’s area.
P.O.3 The ability to use the expert-level theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the area.
P.O.4 Interpreting and forming new types of knowledge by combining the knowledge from the area and the knowledge from various other disciplines.
P.O.5 Solving the problems faced in the area by making use of the research methods.
P.O.6 The ability to carry out a specialistic study related to one’s area independently.
P.O.7 Developing new strategic approaches to solve the unforeseen and complex problems arising in the practical processes of one’s area and coming up with solutions while taking responsibility.
P.O.8 Fulfilling the leader role in the environments where solutions are sought for the problems related to the area.
P.O.9 Assessing the specialistic knowledge and skill gained through the study with a critical view and directing one’s own learning process.
P.O.10 Systematically transferring the current developments in the area and one’s own work to other groups in and out of the area; in written, oral and visual forms.
P.O.11 Ability to see and develop social relationships and the norms directing these relationships with a critical look and the ability to take action to change these when necessary.
P.O.12 Proficiency in a foreign language –at least European Language Portfolio B2 Level- and establishing written and oral communication with that language.
P.O.13 Using the computer software together with the information and communication technologies efficiently and according to the needs of the area.
P.O.14 Paying regard to social, scientific, cultural and ethical values during the collecting, interpreting, practicing and announcing processes of the area related data and the ability to teach these values to others.
P.O.15 Developing strategy, policy and application plans concerning the subjects related to the area and the ability to evaluate the end results of these plans within the frame of quality processes.
P.O.16 Using the knowledge and the skills for problem solving and/or application (which are processed within the area) in inter-disciplinary studies.
Program Coordinator
Head of the Department