Chemistry Bachelor of Science Program

The information and program qualifications related to the Chemistry Bachelor of Science Program, under the Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Science and Letters, are summarized below.

Information About The Program

Department of Chemistry, Istanbul Technical University, is founded in 1982 and one of the leading chemistry departments in Turkey.

The objective of the undergraduate program is to train the students in best way both for academic and industry. A person who wants to enroll chemistry department, has to interest in basic sciences and as well as scientific research.

In first year of the undergraduate program, the students are given courses on basic sciences such as physics, mathematics, etc. Analytical, organic, physical and inorganic chemistry courses are taught in the following years.

Undergraduate students are offered a double major study in the following departments (General point average (GPA) and quota restrictions apply): environmental engineering, chemical engineering department, food engineering department, molecular biology and genetic department, physics engineering, textile engineering, metalurgical and materials engineering department.

The objective of graduate programs is to create a suitable environment for students who will afford original contributions to research facilities in chemistry. Two graduate programs: Chemistry and Polymer Science and Technology (in English) programs are offered.
Job opportunities for the chemists graduated from the chemistry department

Pharmaceutical industry
Paint industry
Petrochemical industry
Metal industry
Textile industry
Ceramic industry
Cement industry
Leather industry
Detergent and soap industry
Food industry
Cosmetic industry
Glass industry
Environmental analysis laboratories
Biochemistry laboratories
Scientific research institutes
Plastic industry

Main research fields

Complex macromolecular structures,
Polymeric gels, hydrogels, microgels,
Liquid crystal copolymers, block copolymers, conducting polymers,
New photo- and electro-polymerization techniques,
Supramolecular systems based on phthalocyanine derivatives, crown ethers, calix[4]pyrroles and the other complex organic molecules,
Biological systems Capillary electrophoresis
Identification of polymerization and organic reaction mechanisms using quantum mechanical methods,
Synthesis of new organic compounds,
Fuel cells,
Spectroscopic calculation of the electronic and the optical properties of the materials
Drug release systems and biomaterials

Instruments in the department of chemistry

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (NMR, 250 MHz for proton and 68.29 MHz for carbon)
Fourier-transform infra red spectrophotometer (FT/IR)
Ultra violet/visible spectrophotometer (UV/VIS)
High performance/pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Gas Chromatography (GC)
Gas chromatography/ mass spectrometer (GC/MS)
Gel permeation chromatography (GPC with refractive index, UV, light scattering, and viscosity detectors)
Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC)
Thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA)
Dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA)
Atomic absorption spectrometer (AA)
Light scattering

Click here for the program's website.

Registration Requirements

Admission is carried out in accordance with Article 6 of the Istanbul Technical University Undergraduate Education and Training Regulation. Click here for the relevant regulation.


YKS Quotas, Student Success Ranking, Minimum and Maximum Scores for the Last Five Years

Chemistry Bachelor of Science Program (%30 English)
YearPoint TypeQoataMin PointMax Point
YearLowest Success RankingHeighest Success RankingAverage Success Ranking

Chemistry Bachelor of Science Program (%30 English) Graph of Minimum and Maximum Scores by Year


Information about MasterBee

English Proficiency

Regulations and Guidelines

Regulations and Guidelines

Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar

Course Plans, Prerequisites and Course Equivalence

Course Information

Course Schedules

Course Adjustment and Exemption Procedures

Course adjustment and exemption procedures are carried out in accordance with the Exemption and Adjustment Procedures Regulation of Istanbul Technical University.
Exemption and Adjustment Procedures Regulation

Program Educational Objectives

Chemistry is the science that deals with and investigates the composition, properties, and transformation of substances and various elementary forms of matter. The program includes course work in the major sub-disciplines of chemistry- inorganic, organic, physical and analytical. The curriculum is designed to permit the student a wide range of career choices including, but not limited to chemistry, medicine, biochemistry, environmental science, and secondary school teaching.

Measurement and Evaluation

Student success is evaluated in consideration of Articles 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 of the Istanbul Technical University Undergraduate Education and Training Regulation. Click here for the relevant regulation.


This program 30 days contains mandatory intership.

Graduation Requirements

Graduation procedures are carried out in accordance with Article 31 of the Istanbul Technical University Undergraduate Education and Training Regulation. Click here for the relevant regulation.

The Awarded Degree and Title

Degree : Bachelor of Science    Title : -

Program Employment Opportunities

Job opportunities for the chemists graduated from the chemistry department: Plastic industry, Pharmaceutical industry, Paint industry, Petrochemical industry, Metal industry, Textile industry, Ceramic industry, Cement industry, Leather industry, Detergent and soap industry, Food industry, Cosmetic industry, Glass industry, Environmental analysis laboratories, Biochemistry laboratories, Scientific research institutes.

Number of Graduates

Chemistry Bachelor of Science Program (%30 English) Graduate Statistics
YearNumber of Graduates

Program Outcomes

P.O.1 An ability to understand the major concepts, theoretical principles and experimental findings in the main areas of chemistry: organic, inorganic, analytical, and physical.
P.O.2 To give the students a core of theoretical and practical knowledge and the ability to apply it to further studies in Chemistry or multidiciplinary areas involving Chemistry or employment in Chemistry based industry.
P.O.3 An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data, to use modern instrumentation and classical techniques.
P.O.4 An ability to use modern library searching and retrieval methods to obtain information about chemistry and chemistry related areas.
P.O.5 An ability to use computers for chemical simulation and computation, data acquisition, and database usage.
P.O.6 An ability to apply and integrate basic knowledge from mathematics, physics and biology to chemistry for solutions of problems, critical thinking and analytical reasoning
P.O.7 An ability to work in a group, be effective leaders as well as effective team members.
P.O.8 An ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing in Turkish and in English languages. An ability to research chemistry topics, write research reports, and give oral and poster presentations.
P.O.9 To train students in the aspect of modern chemical safety regulations and disposal techniques.
P.O.10 An understanding and appreciation the importance of ethical behavior in all aspects of personal and professional life

Higher Education Program Atlas

Higher Education Program Atlas

Quality and Accreditation Officer

Doç. Dr. Ayşe Özdemir
Business Phone : 0212 2853169

Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Okan Sirkecioğlu