The Regional Planning Master Program started to accept students in 1989. Regional disparities in Turkey require a regional planning approach, as well as skilled labour in this field, which is the reason of existence for this program. In the course of globalization, while the definition and contents of ‘borders’ are changing, in the context of newly emerging economic, social and physical interactions, the importance of regions has increased, again. Increasing inter-regional interactions offer new opportunities and dynamics for developed (central) and under-developed (peripheral) regions. Regional policies do not affect all regions at the similar success levels. Hence an in depth analysis of causes of regional disparities is required. Place/ region dependent qualities and values have been used more efficiently in explaining regional performance.
Themes related to regional planning / regional science comprise various disciplines, and new theory and practice related themes are added each day. Knowing that, the program aims to comprise the economic, social, environmental and policy aspects of regions; and to develop theory, method and practices targeting these aspects. The program has been following the major themes in regional planning / regional science since the conventional regional development practice and theories; renews itself with respect to contemporary developments; and aims to enhance its students as much as possible in the light of these developments.
Program Vision: To be a program that follows global changes while increasing competitiveness, is open to international and multi-disciplinary cooperation, has a unique and respectful position among the other programs of the discipline, increases the quality of graduates' research and publications and improves regional science nationally and globally.
Program Mission: To enhance graduates with multi-disciplinary cooperation skills, to inspire them for creativity, to provide them with a global vision and environmental consciousness, to encourage them in considering current global and national developments and moral values in their judgements, and take place in teamwork.
Program members are affiliated to various international scientific networks; in terms of being visiting scholars and developing collaborative research projects. The partner institutions include: University of Illinois Regional Economics Application Laboratory, George Mason University, Free University of Amsterdam, University of Barcelona Research Institute of Applied Economics, Cardiff University, University of Berlin, University of Milan, University of Pecs, Madrid Autonoma University ECONRES and Oviedo University REGIOLAB.
The Regional Planning Master Program accepts students from the following departments: Urban and Regional Planning, Architecture, Landscape Planning, Geography, Geomatics Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geology Engineering, Sociology, Law, Management, Statistics, Public Administration, International Relations, Economics, Industrial Engineering, Political Science.
Each students are obligated to take 30 credits in total and the program is conducted as 30% English. There are 22 courses under the four main modules of the curriculum: economy-policy-governance; sustainability-environment; spatial development; methods.
In relation to these modules, but also having a wider perspective and focusing on the recent developments in the field; program members’ research interests focus on the following topics
• Regional development theory and policies
• Quantitative methods in urban and regional development
• Economic geography
• Regional policies / EU regional policies
• Sustainable development
• Social policy and planning
• Rural development
• Government – governance
• Tourism and regional development
• Location theory and policies for industrial areas
• Transportation policies and regional development
• Innovation and creativity
• Disaster management and risk analysis
• Strategic planning
Click here for the program's website.